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The ARexx Interface


 Introduction   Getting started
 General commands   Accessing functions of the main program
 Operators   Modifying one or more effect parameters
 Savers   Changing the properties of an image saver
 PlugIns   Driving external application PlugIns
 Variables   Create or modify envelopes
Note: Because ARexx commands are always in English this part of the Wildfire documentation is not available in other languages (Sorry).
Hinweis: Der ARexx Teil liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor, da nur englische ARexx Kommandos unterstützt werden!


The name of Wildfire's ARexx port is ''WILDFIRE.x''. If you have only one copy of the program running at one time ''x'' is 1 and things are easy.

There are a few classes of commands:


General Commands

  1. wf_quit
    Quit the program

  2. wf_hide
    Iconify the program

  3. wf_show
    Turn the program into foreground

  4. wf_message < label >
    Display a message defined in the programs string database

  5. wf_rawmessage < text >
    Display the specified message

  6. wf_loadsession < filename >
    Load the specified session-file

  7. wf_savesession < filename >
    Save the current session

  8. wf_inputfilename < filename >
    Change the input of the Converter. All Envelopes and static parameters are adjusted automatically if the dimensions or number of frames differs from the previous input

  9. wf_outputfilename < filename >
    Set the output-filename of the Converter

  10. wf_saveimage
    Execute the current Processor script and save the result as you would have pressed the < Single Image > from within the Main-window

  11. wf_convert
    Process all frames of the current Processor script

  12. wf_test
    Execute the current Processor script and display the result

  13. wf_setoutputframe < frame >
    Set the current frame number of the Processor

  14. wf_inputrange < range > < from > < to > < step >
    Adjust the input range of the Converter

    • From: First frame or transition length
    • To: Last frame (only in standard mode)
    • Step: Frame step (only in standard mode)

    wf_inputrange TRANSITION 30 0 0 (The last two parameters are here useless)

  15. wf_outputrange < range > < from > < to > < step >
    Adjust the output range of the Converter

    • Range: (OFF,STANDARD)
    • From: First frame
    • To: Last frame
    • Step: Frame step

  16. wf_openpreview
    Open the Preview window of the Processor

  17. wf_closepreview
    Close the Preview window

  18. wf_openplayer
    Open the Player window

  19. wf_closeplayer
    Close the Player window

  20. wf_openclipboard
    Open the Clipboard window

  21. wf_closeclipboard
    Close the Clipboard window

  22. wf_openplugins
    Open the PlugIns window

  23. wf_closeplugins
    Close the PlugIns window

  24. wf_openlog
    Open the Logfile window

  25. wf_closelog
    Close the Logfile window

  26. wf_openprefs
    Open the Preferences window

  27. wf_closeprefs
    Close the Preferences window

  28. wf_openinfo
    Open the Info window

  29. wf_closeinfo
    Close the Info window

  30. wf_openhelp
    Display the Online-help

  31. wf_closehelp
    Close the Online-Help window

  32. wf_opensavers
    Open the Savers window

  33. wf_closesavers
    Close the Savers window



  1. fx_modify < parameter > < value >
    Modifiy the specified  
    Parameter of the currently selected Operator-PlugIn

    fx_modify AMOUNT 'var.001' (Assign the variable 'var.001' to the amount parameter of the Rotate-Operator)

  2. fx_add < name >
    Add an effect to the current Processor script

  3. fx_selectbyname < name > < occurence >
    Select an effect in the current Processor script by it's name

  4. fx_select < number >
    Select an effect in the current Processor script directly

  5. fx_openwindow
    Open the window of the currently selected effect

  6. fx_closewindow
    Close the effect window

  7. fx_kill
    Remove the currently selected effect from the Processor script

  8. fx_duplicate
    Duplicate an effect

  9. fx_up
    Move the selected effect up in the Processor script

  10. fx_down
    Move the selected effect down in the Processor script



  1. sv_modify < parameter > < value >
    Modifiy the specified  
    Parameter of the active image saver

    sv_modify QUALITY 80 (Set the output quality of the JPEG-saver to 80)

  2. sv_selectbyname < name >
    Make the specified image saver the deafault

  3. sv_openwindow
    Open the options window of the active image saver

  4. sv_closewindow
    Close the options window

  5. fx_saveprefs
    Save all settings of the active image saver



  1. gn_modify < parameter > < value >
    Modifiy the specified  
    Parameter of the currently selected PlugIn

    gn_modify FRAMES 30 (Set the number of frames of the TMaker PlugIn to 30)

  2. gn_selectbyname < name >
    Make the specified PlugIn the default PlugIn

    gn_selectbyname 'GrabWindow'

  3. gn_openwindow
    Open the window of the currently selected PlugIn

  4. gn_closewindow
    Close the PlugIn window

  5. gn_saveprefs
    Save the state of the currently selected PlugIn

  6. gn_update
    Execute the < Update >-  Function of the currently selected PlugIn. Note that not all application PlugIns offer such a function.

  7. gn_execute
    Call the < Execute >-  Function of the currently selected PlugIn. Note that not all application PlugIns offer such a function.



  1. v_create < Name > < Shape > < Offset > < Amplitude &ft < From > < To >
    Create an Envelope to use in animations

    • Name: Name of the Variable
    • Offset: y-offset of the Envelope
    • Amplitude: y-amplitude of the Envelope
    • From: Start frame of the envelope
    • To: End frame of the envelope or -1 for < MaxFrame >

    v_create 'Ramp01' 'RAMP' 0 360 0 '-1'

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�1998 WK-Artworks